Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Boat

I was guided by 'The Bard' saying

"Build your own damn boat"

To try to sail the river

By barely staying afloat

As I watch I now see clearly

This vessels’ entirely full of holes

A house of cards, the grand chessboard

Perpetually playing roles

I’ve been building ladders to nowhere

Imagining the climb

But right here, right now

I’ve been here all the time

Keep confirming, keep choosing

Consistency is the test

You know you’ve tasted the answer

Stay focused in the chest

Aim your arrow wisely

So that it finds its mark

Bridging that narrow gap

Mind merges with the heart

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                                                                                                    Nov 2014

Going to Fast...

Is it possible to go to fast?

Memory is clearly failing...

This morning while practicing I was utterly unable to pay attention.

I would thoroughly breath in I AM and would be totally lost by the time I remembered to express the given pillar.

Even trying to write this now, I space out, completely blank;

Many moments lately I've found 'myself' pacing, clearly looking for something to identify with or orient towards; as some sort of causal explanation for my is-ness..

Irritation arises as daydream drifts through like the breeze,

I look at my friend, she stares blankly back, clearly in the same boat as I;

Then for some impossible reason, some act of mercy or grace, I remember my heart and re-enter that space;

Released... dispersed..

Warmth, flooding;

Love, overwhelming...

How, how, how,

Who the fuck knows,

But at that very moment she begins to wag her tail...

This builds, directly proportionate reactions,

As if the tables have turned, the masters' now praising my actions.
I listen to my teacher, my sibling, sing the lemurian chant, recognizing my voice in his

Simultaneously I AM on both sides of the void, experiencing and expressing from both banks;

Interference patterns FORM in the middle;

Geometry is born...

My stomach rumbles,

A car goes past,

So I ask you again,

Am I going to fast...?

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                                                                                                  Nov 2014


Saturday, November 22, 2014

An Adventure in Consciousness

In one evening “I” have died a dozen times…

Twisted, folded, turned into and onto myself…

Dissolved like the caterpillar; such bravery, such grace, embraces fluidity…

The womb of creation… conscious evolution;

The Divine Imagination knows the Way…


The Rainbow Light, stained glass hyperspace;





Yes, Yes, Yes

We are bending the Earth, folding space, creating time, and redefining death…

It’s all based on LOVE, JOY, and FREEDOM

So impossibly possible…

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You




Thank you for your love

Bless the Artists…

                                                                                    April 2014

Image by: uknown